Saturday, October 16, 2010

Designers Are Why Drug Lords Are So Rich: Paris Spring 2011 Runway Rundown, Part Un

I'm sure that the two people who read this (that is, me and my cat) are like, "Whaaaaaat? This is supposed to be a blog about man style! Why are you talking about lady clothes? I want an analysis of cravats, not this rubbish, you lying bitch!" Well to be honest, much as I love all things man-style, it is kind of a limited subject, and sometimes I run out of things to say.  So I thought I'd see what was up in the world of lady fashion.   Would you guys be down with that? Oh wait, I don't actually care.  It's happening, bitches!

And don't worry that just because I'm writing a little about lady clothes I'm going to start posting "artistic" pictures of myself posing in different outfits.  Please.  Have a little faith in me.  I would never try to pull shit like that.

ANYWAY, Paris Fashion Week just wrapped up, so let's take a look at the madness that went down the runway:

Monday, October 11, 2010

Keeping Warm While Looking Cool (The original title was "Fall" into Something Stylish, so just be grateful)

It's that time of year again: A sharp wind chills you to the bone when you step outside, you can see your breath in the air, you can't get out of bed to face the cold without a warming sip of gin first (wait, that happens all year round), etc. Basically it's about to get PRETTY FUCKING COLD, you know?
Anyway,  let's take a look at some autumn/winter outerwear options.  There's no need to sacrifice style for the sake of comfort .
 1. Blazers. I like them.  Duh.  Sharp, a little preppy, a little edgy, blah blah blah, just trust me here.  Adding a skinny tie on occasion would not go amiss.  You don't have to look like such a goddamn SLOB all the time.

                                                           BDG Shrunken Blazer.  A mere $68.

2. Military is one of the big trends this fall.

I am not really on board with this.  Mostly because "military" makes me think of old dudes with moustaches and possibly British accents.  What I'm trying to say is that it makes me think of guys like Colonel Mustard here, who I think we can agree isn't exactly the coolest:

Okay, yes, I did spend a lot of time in my childhood playing Clue with my imaginary (/only) friends. Yes, we did get into a lot of arguments about who got to be Miss Scarlet. 

3.  There is something rather disturbing about a man in a large/long coat:

The extra volume kind of makes it seem like he's wearing a dress.  Big coats also can give off serial killer vibes (although in this case his awful hair isn't helping.  What is it with Urban Outfitters models?  They look like unhinged lumberjacks who use their axes for chopping up trees and people.)